Intensive Care Unit(ICU)

Best ICU Hospital in Bangalore
The marvel multi-speciality hospital intensive Care Unit (ICU) is a separate, self-contained area within a medical facility, equipped with high-tech specialised facilities designed for close monitoring, rapid intervention and often extended treatment of patients with acute organ dysfunction. It is committed to the management and continuous monitoring of patients with life-threatening conditions. Marvel Hospitals is the best ICU Hodpital in Bangalore.
The aim of intensive care is to maintain vital functions in order to prevent further physiological deterioration, reduce mortality and prevent morbidity in critically ill patients.
- Cardiac monitors
- High end ventilators
- Infusion pumps
- Syringe pumps
- Suction machines
- Oxygen
- Other respiratory support such as BIPAP and CPAP
We offers 24/7 intensive care units by visiting specialists and super specialists like cardiology, nephrology, urology, pulmonology, radiology, general surgery, pediatrics, etc.
Medical intensive care unit
The medical intensive care unit is dedicated to the care of adult patients with medical conditions requiring frequent observation, specialized monitoring and medical treatment. These include illnesses such as diabetic ketoacidosis, gastrointestinal bleeding, drug overdose, respiratory failure, sepsis, stroke and cancer.
Surgical intensive care unit
The surgical intensive care unit is dedicated to the management of postoperative patients, including postoperative patients who have undergone major abdominal surgeries, craniotomy patients, thoracotomy patients, unstable multiple trauma patients and any surgical patient who requires continuous monitoring or life support.
Pediatric intensive care unit
Critically ill children are managed in the paediatric intensive care unit. Children who had just undergone surgery and are at risk of deterioration are also managed in the pediatric intensive care unit.